These birthdays seem to come around faster and faster every year, and today, we get to celebrate the littlest man of the Sarver family. He was born in the midst of a snowstorm 12 years ago, and when he was ready to make his grand entrance, the doctor made it just in time to help deliver him (having to drive really slow on the snowy roads). When he was little, Gavin looked like and acted so much like big brother Cole . . . so much so that we just referred to them as twins, 6 years apart. But as they continue to grow, the similarities seem to get less and less. They still look similar and if Cole likes something (especially in the area of clothing styles), Gavin will like it as well.
Gavin is our little creative genius when it comes to Legos . . . he is building/creating with Legos every single day that he can. He not only loves putting sets together with instructions, but he also loves just doing some free building, and coming up with designs on his own. He's currently building a house that he keeps adding to and remodeling--he's probably been working on it for several months now.
There are lots of times where he tries to keep up with his big brothers . . . playing basketball, soccer, or other things outside together. Then at other times, he wants to just be by himself and not have them bugging him at all.
He's got a quieter personality, with a quick smile that he spreads around. He's got a kind heart and cares deeply for others. It's really hard to believe that he's going through his final year at our small town elementary school . . . he has had the most amazing teachers and is absolutely LOVING his class this year.
Gavin, we're so excited to celebrate another birthday with you . . . you add such a fun mix of sweet & sass to our family, and we hope this next year is one of the best ones yet for you. Happy birthday, little G!