Birth Story
The birth of your baby is one of the biggest moments in your life. Whether you are becoming parents for the first time, or maybe this is your 4th child . . . no matter the scenario, it is a total miracle to have your little one enter the world. These are moments you never want to forget.
Your birth story coverage includes photography throughout the later part of your labor, delivery, and for several hours in recovery. Because labors can vary so much, there is not a time constraint on birth stories. Whether your labor lasts 2 hours or 24 hours, I totally get that each one will look a little different. I usually try to arrive at the hospital when a mother is 5cm-6cm dilated, to capture some of the labor before it gets too intense. Photography is kept very discreet, and when it comes time for the birth of your baby, I am tucked away behind Mom's shoulder, to be able to capture your baby arriving from the same angle you will be seeing.
After baby arrives, I stick around to photograph those sweet bonding moments, baby trying to nurse for the first time, first bath, getting weighed & measured, etc.
Birth stories are $600 and include coverage of your labor/delivery, as well as a digital gallery of downloadable images. These images are edited and ready for you to print/share as you wish.
Fresh 48 Session
If you are wanting to capture those first moments in the hospital, but would rather not have your labor/delivery photographed, then consider booking a Fresh 48 Session instead. These sessions are typically photographed either later in the day after delivery or even the next day. Although it does not cover the actual labor/delivery, there is still something about hospital photos in those first 48 hours where you & your little one are getting to know each other, and where older siblings are meeting their little baby brother/sister for the first time.
Fresh 48 Sessions are $400 and include 1-2 hours of in-hospital photography, as well as a digital gallery of downloadable images. These images are edited and ready for you to print/share as you wish.
I don't mind traveling to hospitals outside of Wayne County, but just know that rates may be adjusted slightly to cover additional travel.