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Little G is thirteen

Megan Sarver

I can't even believe I am writing this . . . our youngest turns 13 today, so we officially have a house full of teenagers (the one and only year all 3 boys will be in their teens). I can still remember the day he was born. A big snowstorm had just hit the day before, and we took Papa's big truck to the hospital (Mimi & Papa had come over to stay with the older two boys, since I wasn't sure if my water had actually broken but the hospital wanted me to come in to be checked). We were able to take our time driving to the hospital and after getting settled in there, the nurses determined that I was in labor and we were finally going to have our little baby.

The epidural was a big flop and didn't work at all like it was supposed to, but by 6:00 that evening, we had a little 6lb 7oz baby boy in our arms. He was the perfect addition to make our trio of boys, and his big brothers fell in love with him instantly.

When Gavin was little, he looked and acted so much like Cole that we just referred to them as twins, 6 years apart. Even their personalities seemed so similar at that age. But as they grew, Gavin started to become more of his own little person and even though they still share very similar looks, they are definitely different kids.

This past year has been one with a lot of changes and growth (hello preteen and teenager years). He fell in love with fishing, so he & Ian have been two peas in a pod with days at local lakes/ponds, heading to Dick's to pick out some new lures, and even casting with their new fishing poles in our backyard (practicing for next spring when they actually head to some water). He moved all of his Lego's to the basement and declared that he no longer is interested in building with them . . . he has always been our Lego King around here, so that was a bit of a shock.

We wrapped our our time at the elementary, and now have both boys on the early schedule with the JH/HS. Gavin joined the middle school soccer team in the fall, and is currently playing basketball through the winter months. He is cruising through his 7th grade year, and LOVES being at the Junior High. I can tell he is steadily inching up in height and we keep teasing Ian (who is currently the tallest of the boys), that he had better watch out . . . Gavin may just pass him up yet!

Gavin also decided to start reading through the Bible and has made his way from Genesis so far, and is currently reading through the Psalms. He has more of a quiet personality when he's out & about, but can also let his voice be heard (not surprisingly when you sometimes need to defend yourself against 2 older brothers). He's more of a morning person than the rest of us, but has learned to not try and have too many conversations with Ian or I first thing in the morning :)

We love this kid to pieces, and can't wait to see how God is going to continue to shape and mold him as he grows and matures into a young man. While I am in denial that he is actually turning 13, I also will readily admit that this stage of life with older kids is so much fun. Seriously, even though we love going back and watching home videos of them as toddlers, I wouldn't trade this stage at all. I love seeing them become more and more of who God has created them to be, and I love cheering them on every day.

Happy Birthday, little G. Even though we constantly joke that you are still only 7yrs old, I guess we may have to move on from that before long, since you're almost double that number now. I hope you have the best day, and I can't wait to yell from the bleachers tonight in another one of your basketball games.

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