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Newborn: James {12 days}

Megan Sarver

This sweet boy was such an easy model for his newborn session. Momma had contacted me the day before his session, letting me know that he had just got fitted with a pavlik harness to help his little hips heal from displaysia. Knowing that this is not uncommon for little babies, but also knowing that I had never worked with a newborn wearing one of these, I did some quick research to see how I could best pose him comfortably and still get those sweet and snuggly newborn photos.

Swaddling him like I normally would do for a newborn was not an option because of the way his legs are positioned to help with healing. So, instead, we just focused on swaddling him from the waist up and then kept the wrap more loose over his little legs. It didn't seem to phase him one bit--he was so content and sweet, and slept through one pose after another.

Here are some of my favorites from James' gallery 🤎

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