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  • Megan Sarver

Happy 19th Birthday Cole

I can hardly believe that this is your last year of being a teenager . . . even though the days of you being a toddler and learning to ride a bike seem like another lifetime ago, the years have absolutely flown by, and I can't believe we are at this stage already.

This past year has probably been one with the most change. You wrapped up your High school days, graduated, and started a full-time job over the summer. And as hard as it was to see you leave the nest in September to go to YWAM, it has also been a huge blessing to see you soar and realize that the wings God built into you are just what you need to fly high and be the young man He has created you to be.

Every year, I take a trip down memory lane . . . looking at old photos & home movies, and it's always amazing to me just how much you change over the years, but also how we can distinctly look at those, and say, "oh yes, that's definitely Cole" Here's a video from your first days in the hospital . . . all 5lbs 13 oz of your tiny little self.

Dad & I could not be more proud of who you have become, and who God is continuing to shape and mold you into. We love hearing the stories you have from the past several months at YWAM, and can't wait to see what the next several months will hold as you travel with your team to Belize. We hope this next year is the best one yet!

Love you!

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