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Happy Easter


This past weekend, we got to spend Easter with the Whipples. Arneelius & Carla and their kiddos just moved to a bigger house in Delaware several months ago, so they invited us down to spend the weekend with them. On Saturday evening, we went with them to the Easter service at Vineyard Church, and then on Sunday morning, we slept in and had a late brunch. Carla had the table decorated beautifully, and prepared a whole array of food for us to enjoy . . . ham, breakfast casserole, caramel french toast with fruit, deviled eggs, roasted carrots. All of it was delicious!

After brunch, Cole went out to their backyard and hid some Easter eggs for the kiddos to find. Then, they hid the eggs for Cole & Ian to find :)

Winston loves his "Coley"

Wild hair Finlay . . .

There is a park just down the street from their house, so in the afternoon, some of us headed over there to get some fresh air (& try and wake up after a lazy morning) . . .

Such a fun weekend, spending time with family. Thank you, Whipples, for hosting us!!

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