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Newborns: Adalynn & Kolsten

Megan Sarver

I think ya'all know by now that newborns are some of my favorite people to spend time with . . . the little squeaks, the way they scrunch up and snuggle in when you pick them up. Even though they sometimes make me work extra hard to keep them sleepy and cooperative, I'd turn around the next day and do it all over again. So, when my newborn sessions include TWO of these precious little ones, it's even more fun. Out of the different sets of twins I've photographed this year, this is the first one that is a brother/sister pair (and if you notice a little rainbow in one of the photos, that is in memory of the little triplet that was lost early on in momma's pregnancy) 🤍

Here is some of the sweetness from Adalynn & Kolsten's gallery . . .

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