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Back to School


We have had a wonderful summer . . . spending time with grandparents out in Iowa, a weekend in Hocking Hills with my entire family, vacationing in Niagara Falls, Canada. We've also had lots of "lazy days of summer", but as the first day of school got closer, the "natives" in this household became more restless. I could tell everyone was ready to get back into the swing of school routine, and the boys were ready to see all of their friends again.

While I love our boys dearly, there definitely comes a point when I am happy to send them back to school. The house is quiet for 6 hours each day, and I can get things done without interruption (in all honesty, I love this time and then look forward to hearing about their days when they come home, because I've had some blessed refreshment while all of them were in school). Plus, I get to enjoy lunch with a friend, or a quick lunch date with Mark if he's working in the area. It's a win=win for all of us :)

The boys all thrive on being around their friends, and they all enjoy school and are at the top of their classes, which is a blessing for us. I know it's not that way for every family, and I don't want to take it for granted.

Yesterday was the big day, and Cole & Ian were both awake by 6:30 or soon after. With Cole having to head off to school by 7:15, it was a bit early to grab a photo with all 3 of them.

Cole, 8th grade

Ian, 4th grade

Gavin, 2nd grade

Biking to school the first morning . . .

Gavin was THRILLED to find out he was going to be in Mrs. Porter's class . . . she was Ian's 2nd grade teacher, and is as sweet as can be.

This year, Ian has Mrs. Snyder as his homeroom teacher and then he gets to switch classes throughout the day, so that's pretty big stuff for him :)

Group photo at the end of the day. Apparently, they all like red, as they looked like triplets without even planning it.

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